General Anaesthesia

General anaesthesia is a medically controlled sleep state that allows your child to be asleep during dental treatment so that he or she will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

When necessary, we use general anaesthesia to perform dental treatment if the young age or anxiety of your child limits his or her ability to tolerate dental procedures while awake. The advantages of being asleep during dental treatment are the procedures can be done more safely and efficiently (treatment to be completed in one appointment), your child would lack awareness or memory of any pain during treatment, and your child avoids stress and the potential development of dental anxiety that comes with the visit.

Our board-certified medical anaesthetists have been providing anaesthesia onsite at the Oakville office since 2002.  Your child’s safety is important to us. You can feel assured that your child is taken care of by professionals. A registered nurse will be present onsite to ensure that your child is properly cared for immediately after the appointment, and also to provide the parents with instructions on how to ensure your child is comfortable when he or she is taken home.

More info:

If you choose to have your child’s treatment done under general anaesthesia, here is a brief description of what the process is like so that you know what to expect.

  • The dental treatment will be performed by either Dr. Michael Layug or Dr. Michele Layug
  • Your child must adhere to the dietary restrictions that will be provided prior to the appointment, as they are necessary for a safe and successful procedure.
  • General anaesthesia will be performed by a medical physician who specializes in anaesthesia. A registered nurse will also be present to monitor and ensure your child is fully recovered to go home.
  • A thorough clinical and radiographic (x-ray) examination will be conducted, and all necessary procedures will be completed in one appointment.
  • Dental treatment under anesthesia generally takes between 1-3 hours, depending on the amount of treatment required.

Get in Touch with Us

Oakville Office

Monday to Thursday:
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 3:00 pm

Mississauga Office

Monday to Thursday:
9:00 am - 5:30pm